Friday, February 28, 2020

The True Meaning of 'Push' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The True Meaning of 'Push' - Essay Example ontext of the protagonist’s life, because it symbolically represents the fact that she has been left behind and needs to push her way forward to survive in the world. At the beginning of the story, Sapphire sets the stage by providing indications that the protagonist lags behind others. â€Å"I was left back when I was twelve because I had a baby for my fahver†¦ I had got left back in the second grade too, when I was seven, ‘cause I couldn’t read†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1). In fact, Precious is considered such a hopeless case as far as learning is concerned that the principal of the school tells her teacher to give up and stop wasting time on her. â€Å"Focus on the ones who can learn† (39). Precious herself articulates the predominant view that exists about her learning powers. â€Å"The tesses paint a picture of me wif no brain†¦ the tesses paint a picture of me an’ my muver – my whole family, we more than dumb, we invisible† (33). Because Precious has been left so far behind, it is not even worth the time or effort for anyone to help her so that she can move forward. In having to push when giving birth to her first baby, Precious is, for the first time, encouraged to be assertive and aggressive rather than passive, drawing upon her basic, primal, female energy in bringing forth life (Marvel, 1996). The title Push, therefore, represents the basic energy of the female protagonist, who at sixteen, cannot read or write, still hasn’t completed high school and is already about to give birth to her second child. Nevertheless, she does not give up or submit to despair; she is always ready to keep fighting, as reflected in her attitude: â€Å" ‘N I really do want to learn. Every day I tell myself something gonna happen, some shit like on TV. I’m gonna break through or somebody gonna break through to me – I’m gonna learn, catch up, be normal, change my seat to the front of the class† (5). When the story commences and Precious is suspended from school because she is

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example Other areas of the breast can also be affected, however, this is rare. Treatment will also vary considering the type of breast cancer and the stage it is in. One can find out if they are a victim to this disease by getting an examination by a physician, a biopsy, a mammography or an ultrasound test. Rates of breast cancer have risen over the years, however there are many women who also fight this disease and survive in America. Men can also suffer from this disease. (society, 2000) Causes of breast cancer The exact factor that causes breast cancer is yet to be pinpointed. Certain factors increase the probability of the cancer’s occurrence. Some can be controlled and modified in order to avoid the onset of the disease; whereas other factors cannot be controlled. There are some main reasons as to why it occurs; Family tree: having family members, especially closely related women in the family such as an aunt, a sister etc. who have breast cancer greatly increases the chances of developing breast cancer. Age: as a person grows older, the chances of breast cancer also increase. Life history: having cancer in one breast increases the likelihood of having cancer in the other breast in the future, or other different types of cancers in the same breast. Menstrual cycle: women with a cycle that started before twelve or ended before fifty five are more susceptible to this disease. Race: black women tend to have stronger potential to avoid the tumor than white women Breast tissue: women with a denser breast tissue as compared to others have a higher probability of developing breast cancer. Giving Birth: having no children or having children at a very late age can also increase the probability of breast cancer occurrence. Studies show that a breastfeeding mother for one or two years has a lesser probability of developing breast cancer. Weight: obese people have a greater probability of suffering from breast cancer than women who have an average body weight. Use of c ontraceptives: The use of oral contraceptives for about ten years or so increases the probability of breast cancer occurrence. Exercise: Exercise has been shown to lower the probability of breast cancer. Alcohol consumption: The rate of consumption of alcohol and the probability of developing breast cancer are directly proportional These are the risk factors that are associated in the development of cancer of the breast in women. Aspects such as age cannot be controlled, as one cannot stop aging, however other factors such as exercise, weight and alcohol consumption etc. can be controlled. (Majure, 2000) Signs, symptoms and diagnosis One of the most common symptoms of breast cancer is a mass or lump in the breast. Other symptoms include dimpling or swelling of the breast, nipple or breast pain, or discharge from the breast or redness. A healthcare provider can confirm whether these signs or symptoms point towards breast cancer. Mammograms are usually used to detect breast cancers. A nd women should at least at the age of forty get regular screen shots in order to prevent the disease or catch it at its earlier stages. A clinical breast exam, CBE, should also be conducted in women in their twenties or thirties in order to be aware of the changes that the breasts are undergoing as well as the early onset of the disease or possibility of the disease. A self-exam of the breast can also be done called a breast self-exam (BSE) by women especially those in their early