Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on Interpreting Hamlet’s Ophelia - 3518 Words

Interpreting Hamlet’s Ophelia Was Ophelia in love with Hamlet, or did she have more feeling for her father than for her boyfriend? In Shakespeare’s Hamlet was Ophelia’s madness contributed to by the prince’s rejection of her? The answers to these and other questions about this tragic figure will be given. Rebecca West in â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption† argues that Ophelia has no love for Hamlet, but only for her father: For the myth which has been built round Hamlet is never more perverse than when it pretends that Ophelia went mad for love and killed herself. No line in the play suggests that she felt either passion or affection for Hamlet. She never mentions him in the mad scene, and Horatio says of†¦show more content†¦. . . She was not a chaste young woman. That is shown by her tolerance of Hamlet’s obscene conversations, which cannot be explained as consistent with the custom of the time. If that were the reason for it, all the men and women in Shakespeare’s plays, Romeo and Juliet, Beatrice and Benedict, Miranda and Ferdinand, Antony and Cleopatra, would have talked obscenely together, which is not the case. (107) West’s interpretation of Ophelia’s character is not a consensus feeling among critics, so her innocence is challenged but not overturned. After Laertes’ departure, Polonius inquires of Ophelia concerning the â€Å"private time† which Hamlet spends with her. He dismisses Hamlet’s overtures as â€Å"Affection, puh!† Polonius considers Ophelia a â€Å"green girl,† incapable of recognizing true love: â€Å"These blazes . . . you must not take for fire.† He gets her assurance that she will not talk with Hamlet anymore. When the ghost talks privately to Hamlet, he learns not only about the murder of his father, but also about the unfaithfulness and adultery of his mother. Gertrude was seduced by â€Å"thatShow MoreRelatedHamlet, By William Shakespeare1431 Words   |  6 Pages In Shakespeare’s play â€Å"Hamlet,† we are introduced to the sorrow and tragic character of Ophelia. In spite of a comparatively marginal role throughout the play, Ophelia actually has quite a substantial impact on our understanding of the main character, Hamlet. With Ophelia’s highly controversial and often debated death, we are left to ponder about what truly constitutes action, attempting to make meaning of actions with relation to context. Specifically, through examining Gertrude’s description ofRead MoreStage Intonations In Hamlet874 Words   |  4 Pageswithin Hamlet and understand the intonation needed for particular lines. The moment he notices Ophelia (Jean Simmons) walk into the scene, his first line, â€Å"Nymph, in thy orisons/Be all my sins rememberd.† (1.3. 89-90) is soft yet dominant. His head is high and he throws his book behind him as if to find a new game to play with Ophelia. Yet, in David Tennant’s portrayal, Hamlet quivers at the sight of Ophelia (Mariah Gale) and walks to her with his arms defending his body. His head is down and it canRead MoreHamlet As Seen Through The Feminist Critical Lens1481 Words   |  6 PagesHamlet As Seen Through the Feminist Critical Lens As stated by Tim Gillespie in his text Doing Literary Criticism, the concept of literary criticism is the field of â€Å"interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating† literary works. Thus, literary criticism is not objective; rather, it varies subjectively depending on the critic and the lens, or school, they choose to view the work of literature through. Though the actual content of literature is of extreme importance, the way it is approached is of nearlyRead MoreThe Tragic Flaw Of Shakespeare s Hamlet1734 Words   |  7 Pagesreason. However, we learn throughout Hamlet’s eponymous play the irony in the fact that overusing this logic that mankind possesses can cause one to overthink and become hesitant. This overthinking leads to indecisiveness and prevents one from acting. Throughout Shakespeare s Hamlet, it is revealed that Hamlet s indecisiveness, caused by his tendency to overthink, prevents him from acting and freeing himself of his burdens. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet’s inability to act, motivated by hisRead MoreA Traditional Revenge Tragedy Approach To Hamlet759 Words   |  4 Pagesin the character Hamlet’s plot to â€Å"remember† his father. After his father’s death, Hamlet spends the whole play concocting a plan to avenge his father. He develops a play to bring guilt to his father’s murderer and to convince the royal subjects of their king’s foul sin. The tragedy in this approach occurs at the end when Hamlet successfully gets his father’s revenge, but in doing so is also killed. When perceived with this approach, the play revolves around the revenge of Hamlet’s father and the tragicRead More Feminine Representation in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay2628 Words   |  11 Pagesto analyze the portrayal of Queen Gertrude and Ophelia.    Because Shakespeares Hamlet centers on the internal struggle of the Prince of Denmark, the reader focuses primarily on his words and actions.   An often overlooked or under appreciated aspect of the play is the portrayal of the female characters, particularly Queen Gertrude and Ophelia.   There are two scenes in particular that provide insight into this topic.   In Act I Scene III, Ophelia receives advice from her father, Polonius, andRead MoreWhos There: a Question of Identity in Hamlet Essay1582 Words   |  7 Pagesmakes himself out to be or a murderous manipulator. The initial question of his character is during the wedding of Gertrude and he, where he states, â€Å"With mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage,† (I. II. 12). He essentially is pronouncing King Hamlet’s funeral as joyous and his own wedding as mournful. The question that now presents itself to the audience is whether this is a simple mix-up on Claudius’s part or a verbal projectio n of his inner thoughts and feelings towards both occasions. TheRead MoreThe Self Defeat of Heroes in Shakespeares Tragedies: A Character Analysis of Hamlet and Othello1495 Words   |  6 Pagescritics, Hamlet has more talk than action, and this is often taken to be the centerpiece of the play and even of Hamlets character his obsession with detail and the many soliloquies he delivers that detail his ruminations are often noted features of his character and the plays action (Hamlet2, 77; Gibinska, 189). To interpret this as a lack of action or an indecisiveness on Hamlets part would be grossly incorrect, however; as much as Hamlet delays his ultimate decision and action, he is very activeRead MoreHamlets State of Mind in Act III Scene i of William Shakespeares Hamlet2167 Words   |  9 PagesHamlets State of Mind in Act III Scene i of William Shakespeares Hamlet Works Cited Missing Throughout Act III Scene i, Hamlets appearance to the audience is one of carefully crafted madness, not completely artificial, but manufactured for the purpose of members of his family and the court. He uses this madness tactfully, and to his advantage. By acting as if mad, he can pursue explicit issues under the disguise of madness. For example, whilst talking to Ophelia he canRead MoreShakespeares Most Famous Soliloquy With A Mark Of Their Own Artistry1127 Words   |  5 Pagesset the groundwork for the entire work. Once the theme is introduced, it is often played in a different key but in a parallel structure. Hamlet’s soliloquy begins with the theme of the uncertainty of death: â€Å"To be or not to be, that is the question.† The rest of the soliloquy expands on this central theme as it clearly sets the groundwork for Hamlet’s internal struggle. A repeat of this theme is heard when Hamlet speaks, â€Å"To die: to sleep; No more.† Now instead of considering the difficulties

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Report On The Sun - 2106 Words

Everyone loves waking up at eight in the morning to go to an auction, particularly a college student whose classes don t begin until noon, right? Wrong, especially one who has never been to an auction, let alone woken up at eight in the morning since mid August. That morning, I was unaware of my ability to learn so much about the microscopic Eastern Shore from a hoarder s garage on steroids. Surprisingly, it s possible for a place that only holds eight percent of Maryland s population to be hectic, but also peaceful and eccentric; its inhabitants could be competitive, friendly, and also rude, all at the same time. Regardless of where I wanted to be, I was in Crumpton, MD on the last Wednesday of September. The sun is nowhere to be seen while drizzling rain is stirring the dirt ground into mud, but regardless of how dark and gloomy the morning felt, the colossal yellowish-green building managed to lighten the mood. Its base is compiled of cement blocks and the roof is slanted, painted in a forest green to match the large letters that read Dixson s Furniture Auction. In front of the auction warehouse sat items that belonged to someone at some point, but were in search of a new owner. Each item was systematically scattered throughout the lot. Most items are what you would expect to see: wooden chairs, wardrobes, and even some tables. Suddenly, a short, skinny black man asked if he could be of any assistance. I kindly responded no. The man quickly vanishes into theShow MoreRelatedSun Microsystems Report1949 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Sun Microsystems is a leading supplier of computer related products, including servers, workstations, storage devices, and network switches. In the 2001 annual report, a letter to stockholders from the President and CEO Scott G. McNealy offered a remark saying that the fiscal year was ended with a significant revenue growth of 16% and that was a good indication of gaining market share. Also, that the employees were responsible for bringing the costs down and new products to the marketRead MoreA Thousand Splendid Suns Report1455 Words   |  6 Pagesunderstanding citizenship, identity and the processes of war and migration have been set up by men† ( 237). Either these women rebel or protest against the discrimination, or they are forced to look from the bottom up at society. A Thousand Splendid Suns, written by Khaled Hosseini, narrates the lives of two Afghan women named Mariam and Laila who are forced to feel the harsh wrath of a society that disregards women’s right s. They are forced to persevere in a society that decides who they marry andRead More The Sun Also Rises Report Essay1668 Words   |  7 Pageswas spawned in an effort to capture the attitudes and feelings of such individuals to reinvent a model of sorts for a people sorely lacking any satisfactory standard to follow. At the forefront of these writers was Ernest Hemingway, whose Novel, The Sun Also Rises, became just such a model, complete with Hemingways own definition of heroism. Many of the characters in the novel represented the popular stereotype of the post WWI expatriate Parisian: wanton and wild, with no real goals or ambitions.Read MoreThe Sun Also Rises Book Report999 Words   |  4 PagesThe Sun Also Rises: Long Form I. The Author The Author of this novel is Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 and died on July 2, 1961. He was an American author and journalist, which relates to the book because in The Sun Also Rises the protagonist, Jake Barnes, is a journalist. He was also an ambulance driver in World War I which ties in with the book as well because Jake was a World War I veteran. Another thing that ties in the book from his personal life is that he was woundedRead MoreBook Report on Sun Tzu: Art of War and Management3166 Words   |  13 Pagesthere is somewhat of a battle to be fought, whether with the company itself or with other organizations vis-à  -vis the company. As to how to skate through the rocky atmosphere with a graceful land from a triple hoop axel jump is discussed in the book, Sun Tzu: Art of War and Management although in a different view. Through its different principles in war, each concept is translated as to how it can be used in the business showground. The principles begin from making a decision whether waging a war isRead MoreA Report On Heritage Woods Will Be Bustling With Farmhands When The Sun Comes Up Essay832 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"They’ll have to stay indoors,† Crocco said. â€Å"Heritage Woods will be bustling with farmhands when the sun comes up.† â€Å"Right,† William said. â€Å"You guys have to promise to stay indoors until we can find more private housing.† The men nodded and left with Crocco. â€Å"Let me get him fed and into bed,† Tabitha said, nuzzling the infant. â€Å"Then we can talk.† Tabitha followed William to the second floor of the condominium. William drew the shades and lit a kerosene lantern in the bedroom, and another lanternRead MoreMovie Report : The Sparkling Sun Shined Against The Windows Onto The Furniture 1783 Words   |  8 PagesKreena Patel Realistic Fiction Unexpected The sparkling sun shined against the windows onto the furniture. â€Å"Today will be a good day, and I’m going to have the best birthday week. I can just feel it† exclaimed Mia in her cheerful voice. It was a beautiful day in Los Angeles, California and Mia knew nothing would ruin her perfect 18th birthday. There was no school because it was spring break, and Mia was going to have the biggest birthday she had ever had. â€Å"Mia! Riley! Kyle!† shouted the fatherRead MoreMovie Report : The Sparkling Sun Shined Against The Windows Onto The Furniture 1817 Words   |  8 PagesKreena Patel Realistic Fiction Unexpected The sparkling sun shined against the windows onto the furniture. â€Å"Today will be a good day, and I’m going to have the best birthday week. I can just feel it† exclaimed Mia in her cheerful voice. It was a beautiful day in Los Angeles, California and Mia knew nothing would ruin her perfect 18th birthday. There was no school because it was spring break, and Mia was going to have the biggest birthday she had ever had. â€Å"Mia! Riley! Kyle!† shouted the fatherRead MoreSolar Energy Is A Great Source Of Renewable Energy850 Words   |  4 Pagessource of renewable energy. Due to the limited stock of fossil fuel, solar panel systems become more popular day by day. Now Industries, houses and defensive forces are using solar panel systems to generate power. The solar panels generate power from sun radiation. Solar cells are also known as Photovoltaic (PV) cells. When sunlight with a specific frequency hits metal, loosely bound electrons emit from the metal as shown in Figure 1. A potential difference is created in between the cathode and theRead MoreComparison of News Reports Essay656 Words   |  3 PagesComparison of News Reports On Thursday 22nd April 2004, Ron Atkinson, manager and footballing legend, was overheard making a racist remark concerning player Marcel Desailly- the black Chelsea defender during the Chelsea-Monaco Champion’s League semi-final. The story received colossal press coverage from all of the newspapers, mainly because Atkinson is famous for coaching so many black players. I have studies two newspapers’ accounts of the same story. One paper

Friday, December 13, 2019

To what extent can Reagan’s electoral victory in 1980 be put down to the rise of the new right Free Essays

1980’s America saw a boom in a new group of hard-line Christians; known as the ‘new right’, a powerful group of republican evangelicals set on restoring the American morals of old (with somewhat a very archaic mindset for example no equality for homosexuals etc. ) This group took a very strong liking to Reagan and his strong Christian moral conservatism and thus earned him millions of votes in the election of 1980. Was Reagan’s victory largely down to the rise of the new right? Or were there other more prominent factors, which lead to Reagan’s victory? In 1980s America TV could be used as a powerful political tool, 67% of American’s received 100% of all there news from the television, this clearly showing if televised speeches, debate and propaganda were used correctly it could be a direct, simple and powerful method to connect with the people- winning over the votes of millions of American’s. We will write a custom essay sample on To what extent can Reagan’s electoral victory in 1980 be put down to the rise of the new right? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Reagan executed all his televised appearances like a professional (he was an ex-Hollywood ‘star’ which definitely helped immensely,) ‘he could read an autocue like a professional’. Also his personal traits were key – portraying himself as a ‘physically attractive and charming man who was gracious and polite’ this again helped him as all those were key and made Reagan a much more likeable person. Furthermore, Reagan also worked with general electric in the 60’s where he was in charge of the TV shows; he also gained valuable electioneering skills during the job, as he had to meet thousands of people daily, also giving unrehearsed speeches to hundreds. The job handed him with a perfect chance to groom his campaigning skills to a respectable audience of 700,000, which was tiny compared to the people of America but still a good start, where he learnt how to be a people person and how to work the TV. In contrast to this his main opponent – incumbent president, Jimmy Carter was quite the opposite to the charming, attractive Reagan. He delivered his ‘crisis of confidence’ speech where he found it easy to find problems but couldn’t seem to deliver any solutions. This again showed Reagan’s superiority in these areas where he delivered short and direct targets such as reviving American strength in the world once again. This again gained him popularity as it gave the people something to look forward to and it showed he meant business unlike the passive carter. Carter, having completed one term in power had done next to nothing useful, he became know as a man who would deal with problems when they came rather than trying to predict them and stop them from happening- not what you want for the worlds most powerful man. During his presidency he grew more foolish and weak in the eys of America. Almost nothing positive happened during his presidency; America’s ditente with the USSR ended, there was an energy crisis. Also his failure of a brother somewhat cast negativity towards him making him look more foolish and weak. His ‘crisis of confidence’ speech was completely crazy he informed America of its problems including a lack of leadership- ‘now all we need is leadership’ a mildly retarded thing to say, as he was ‘the’ leader of America, and still didn’t give any solutions to the problems he presented. It was clear that nothing had changed for the good from Nixon’s presidency. The economy was still stuck in the stagflation caused by Nixon, carter had done nothing but worsen it. Reagan used carters ‘nothing’ presidency where almost nothing was done, to his advantage- he promised to renew prosperity by restoring the economy through ‘reaganomics’ where there would be lower taxes and less regulation – curing the stagflation. No one knew it would work but it was a lot more than carter offered. Reagan also had vast amount of political training from being an active trade unionist where he established himself as a strong anti-communist (again extremely popular with the lingering cold war and also very popular with the new right who wanted a return of the traditional morals) and also the job was said to help ‘gain an apprenticeship in negotiating, to develop an instinct for when to ‘hang-tough’ and when to cut a deal’ by a political analyst- which would clearly help him become a successful president. He was also the governor of California from 1967-75, which was a massive success, and he managed to make California the seventh richest ‘country’ in the world- showing he knew how to work economics, which is what America vitally needed! He also had the experience of running for president as he had attempted on two other occasions. All this political experience would be priceless for his campaign. Reagan was also extremely conservative which also gained him lots of votes- as he stood for mostly traditional values such as; no abortion, pornography, drugs, and equality for homosexuals. He was also a strong evangelical Christian, which initially gained him the support of the new right and with it groups such as the ‘moral majority’ as they had the backing from Reagan and they believed he was going to bring American morals back. He also gained support from the Neo conservative’s traditionalists and anti feminists, also vitally he managed to get the support of the born again Christians even though carter tried his hardest to gain there support being a born again Christian too, Reagan managed to do so with his conservative ideology. The new right was essential for his campaign, as Reagan had such radical ideas many would have seen him as crazy and never given him a chance – comparing him to the extremist Barry Goldwater. The new right rather embraced his ideas as they fitted in well with what they wanted. Reagan was extremely lucky that this spark in Christianity coincided with this electoral campaign as if he failed it would most probably be the end of him as he was aging and many were already hesitant to elect such an old man. In conclusion, ii feel it is very clear that the rise of the new right played a very significant role in Reagan’s ascendancy to power, and without a doubt without this support he probably couldn’t win as it allowed him to create a base of support from which he could build around and add onto. However, I believe that there were other more influencing factors which lead to his presidency such as his political ingeniousness particularly offering an intelligent solution to the stagflation suppressing the country, as well as the mans personal characteristics such as his personal charm and talent in front of the TV which allowed him to manipulate millions as they could see it with there own eyes that he was an astute leader. But, from the election results we see such a narrow win on Reagan’s side this even so when millions of democrats didn’t even vote, I believe that this shows us that Reagan won largely due to the failures of Carter as even though he was such a useless leader who did next to nothing he still managed to almost win the elections, furthermore he still came so close even with a large percent of his ‘party’ boycotting the election- showing carter didn’t have a very large support base, and if he did have decent opposition Reagan could have lost by a landslide. How to cite To what extent can Reagan’s electoral victory in 1980 be put down to the rise of the new right?, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Case Study Analysis Of Job Sharing At Motorola †Free Samples

Questions: 1.How does Motorolas job sharing system fit with their business needs? 2.What particular needs do female employees face in work-life balance arrangements such as job sharing? 3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of job sharing to job sharers and their managers? 4.What cultural factors come into play in introducing job sharing into other organisations in an Australian context? Answers: 1. Motorola in order to remain competitive implement various work life balance practices which includes a job sharing system. A job sharing system requires the employees to work in a 12 hours shift for seven hours for seven days divided into four and three days a week. The full hour shift is divided into two employees equally. As mentioned in a case study Motorola plant operates 24 hours and 7 days a week, which means the work pressure is very high. Job sharing reduces the work burden on employees and helps them to remain productive throughout their work shift. This also enables the two individuals to work together and achieve the organizational goals effectively. It also creates loyal workers and helps the organization to retain talented and hardworking people who want more flexibility in their work hours due to personal commitment (Michael Page, 2016). The operators feel valued and satisfied at the workplace which directly increase their productivity and reduced the absenteeism rat e. It also prevents external recruitment and the cost associated with hiring and training new individual. Job sharing have enabled Motorola to operate 24 hours and 7 days with each employee committed to work efficiently to give them a competitive edge in the industry (Weinreb, 2011). 2. Job sharing for female employees is an appreciated arrangement in which they can effectively manage the work life balance but still there are certain issues female faces in work life arrangement. Female attrition rate is very high in organization due to the lack of flexibility in their workplace roles and responsibilities. When the work hours are reduced there are chances that the base pay will also get reduced accordingly. This directly affects their career development. In order to successfully carry out job sharing arrangement the availability of a job sharer is also very important. The job sharer should have same set of skills and abilities to complement the role of other employee. If it is not possible then the work performance gets affected. Women who perform night duty as a part of their job sharing may confront security issues and sexual harassment issues. The chances of performance appraisals also get reduced as the performance is measured as a team and not individually (R ichardson, 2009). Job share can mostly work in supportive roles; women who are into the role of senior level have to resume a full time responsibility or either compromise on their career (ACAS, 2011). 3. Advantages to the managers and job sharers: Job sharing enables the manager to retain skilled and talented employees, who otherwise have not been able to work due to their personal commitments. It also reduces the cost of hiring new individual. Burnouts referred to as stress among employees due to high workload at workplace. In the competitive environment employees are asked to be more productive which increase exhaustion and stress level. Job sharing reduces the burnout among employees and helps them to be more productive. It also improves the performance and leads to division of work among two individuals having relevant skills and experience at a cost effective manner. It gives Job flexibility to employees (Daniels, 2011). Disadvantages to Job sharers and managers: Not much employees wants to engage in this job sharing arrangements because it reduces the basic pay and hamper the career growth of individuals. It is very difficult for the manager to find the other individual who have the same set of skills and capabilities as another person. If the other individual involved in job sharing is not qualified or hardworking, it will directly impact the output of the organization and affect the growth of an individual (Crampton, et al., 2003). 4. The successful implementation of job sharing arrangements depends a lot on Cultural factors of the country. While introducing Job sharing practices in Australia there are several factors that are to be kept in mind: The female employees make 45 percent of the total workforce which means job sharing arrangement should accommodate more female workers and give them work flexibility (AIM, 2012). The number of male workers has also increased in the part time as they want to spend some time with their children and participate in other household responsibilities. Job sharing arrangement should involve womens in the day shift and men in the night shift. It has also been found the Generation Y people are more inclined towards work flexibility because they value their personal interest and passion more. They are also engage in pursuing other opportunities. Individuals who are reaching the retirement age but still want to continue their work but with more work flexibility. Job sharing is a good option for them and the organization because these people are experienced and qualified and must be retained (Anderson, 2016). By taken into account these factors Job sharing can be introduced in Australian organization. References Acas. (2011). Help advice for employers and employees. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017. AIM. (2012). MANAGING IN A FLEXIBLE WORK ENVIRONMENT. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017. Anderson, C. (2016). Why Flexible Work Is The Way Of The Future, And How Small Business Can Help. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017. Crampton, S., Douglas, C., Hodge, J. Mishra, J. (2003). Job Sharing: Challenges and Opportunities. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017. Daniels, L. (2011). JOB SHARING AT SENIOR LEVEL: MAKING IT WORK. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017. Michael Page. (2016). The benefits of job sharing. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017. Richardson, M. (2009). Making job share work: Australian women share their success secrets. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017. Weinreb, E. (2011). How Job Sharing May Be The Secret To Work-Life Balance. Retrieved from on 4 May 2017.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Changing America; The Early 19th Century essays

A Changing America; The Early 19th Century essays In the late 19th Century America was going through a change. The democracy of the nation was taking a new shape, and Americans were forming their future through more political systems. New issues were effecting the American people, and organization became a viable method of being heard. Politicians were becoming actual voices for groups of people, rather than being a vessel for corruption and political favoritism. The face of the nations was in transformation and everything would change with it. One of the nations biggest changes started in the work force. When working conditions started to become too adverse, workers started seeing the advantage of banning together as unions. Owners who would not pay attention to the needs of individuals, could not ignore when their entire labor force demanded that an issue was resolved, and owners were forced to pay attention. Labor unions became a political power, pressing under the notion that they were giving the people the voice they deserved. As unions matured they would move through phases of representation: from representing a large number of people in a variety of occupations, to becoming more specified to the individuals within one occupation. Eventually many unions existed for all different professions, all focusing on their sector of the work force. The system of political representation followed a similar suit. Instead of a system of wide representation across a wide area of land, representation became more specific to small locations. This helped lower political corruption which was becoming more rampant up until that point. Political favors were no longer the dominating way to get what you wanted out of the government. The more focused representation could help get the issues of more people in front of the congress. Out of the more focused representation, voices of immigrants, non-caucasions, and women would not fall onto deaf ears. Immigration was peaking at the end of the 19th ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on W.E.B Du Bois

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois wanted to go to college and he did. However, he had a specific goal in mind. He wanted to attend Harvard University. He did that too also. Du Bois’s life was changed at Harvard University and he got through Harvard with an unusual motivation scheme. â€Å"I had always thought as a boy, that I was going to Harvard,† (10) says Du Bois. Harvard was Du Bois first choice in college and he did not go there when he first entered college because he did not have the money. He happened to go to Fisk University in Tennessee. Du Bois said in his book Dusk Of Dawn, â€Å"When I learned that Harvard, seeking to shed something of its New England provincialism, was offering scholarships in various parts of the country, I immediately wrote, and to my astonishment of teachers and fellow students, not to mention myself, received Price Greenleaf Aid of $300.† He had spent three years at Fisk but still decided to go Harvard because he felt that he could grow in society using this knowledge. There shows signs of determination for W.E.B. Du Bois. Leaving a school for another shows, that he want something else and was going to do it no matter how it came at him. Du Bois said, â€Å"I was happy at Harvard but for unusual reasons. One of them was my acceptance of racial segregation.† (12) He goes on to say, â€Å" Had I gone from Greta Barrington high school directly to Harvard I would have sought companionship with my white brothers and would have been disappointed and embittered by a discovery of social limitations to which I had not been used to. However, I came by way of Fisk and the South and there I had acceptance and embraced eagerly the companionship of those of my own color. At Fisk University Du Bois learned all about how segregation played into the role of society in which he lived in. He saw discrimination where he lived and in ways that he never imagined. One of the first things he saw was separation on rail... Free Essays on W.E.B Du Bois Free Essays on W.E.B Du Bois William Edward Burghardt Du Bois wanted to go to college and he did. However, he had a specific goal in mind. He wanted to attend Harvard University. He did that too also. Du Bois’s life was changed at Harvard University and he got through Harvard with an unusual motivation scheme. â€Å"I had always thought as a boy, that I was going to Harvard,† (10) says Du Bois. Harvard was Du Bois first choice in college and he did not go there when he first entered college because he did not have the money. He happened to go to Fisk University in Tennessee. Du Bois said in his book Dusk Of Dawn, â€Å"When I learned that Harvard, seeking to shed something of its New England provincialism, was offering scholarships in various parts of the country, I immediately wrote, and to my astonishment of teachers and fellow students, not to mention myself, received Price Greenleaf Aid of $300.† He had spent three years at Fisk but still decided to go Harvard because he felt that he could grow in society using this knowledge. There shows signs of determination for W.E.B. Du Bois. Leaving a school for another shows, that he want something else and was going to do it no matter how it came at him. Du Bois said, â€Å"I was happy at Harvard but for unusual reasons. One of them was my acceptance of racial segregation.† (12) He goes on to say, â€Å" Had I gone from Greta Barrington high school directly to Harvard I would have sought companionship with my white brothers and would have been disappointed and embittered by a discovery of social limitations to which I had not been used to. However, I came by way of Fisk and the South and there I had acceptance and embraced eagerly the companionship of those of my own color. At Fisk University Du Bois learned all about how segregation played into the role of society in which he lived in. He saw discrimination where he lived and in ways that he never imagined. One of the first things he saw was separation on rail...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Humanistic Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Humanistic Approach - Essay Example The last thing is that embracing corporate responsibilities is crucial in strengthening and maintaining an ongoing relationship with the stakeholders. According to Murray, Constantinos, and Robert (12), it is appropriate to apply human approach in business context where dignity and respect of every individual is the foundation that builds and maintains interpersonal interaction. This approach helps the management to embrace every individual in the organization regardless of where he comes from or what he owns. The integration of ethical reflection into the business is the key process from which effective and quality decisions are made. The solitary managerial decision on where an action is ethically sound depends on the humanistic approach to management. However, the approach may not be appropriate in providing excessive freedom. It is important to note that, the humanistic theory make some assumptions about human nature, which are not accepted as solid or complete. One cannot adequa tely argue that every individual should be given freedom to choose what he wants or not. This is because some people may make negative choices even when right solutions are staring at them. These facts plague the humanistic approach to management and therefore establish the need to offer sufficient guidance for positive change to occur. Still, it may not be appropriate when managers are mean and misunderstand how their employees perform their assigned duties. When managers treat their employees like this, they get depressed and sad and thus become unproductive in the workplace. Since humanistic approach to management is based on the self and client centred therapy, then it benefits people to discover and identify their personal capacity that stimulates self-assessment and self-development. This approach creates a ground for people to understand their strengths and work hard to improve on their weaknesses. However, this approach requires people to understand the root of their problem before building or fixing the solution. With this, this approach may not perfectly work for everyone since some people may be threatened and challenged to find out the root cause of their problems. Still, this approach regards that human beings must understand that they are hold responsible of their lives. For instance, some people may not be ready to take on personal responsibility and thus becomes hard to dictate their lives. What is meant by not crossing the line in the humanistic approach is that you can hang out for lunch and have fun with with a manager or co-workers, but when it comes to work there is respect and dignity. In other words, crossing the line means doing what should be done at the tight time, place, and time. For instance, work should be done excellently and when out for lunch one should have fun to the fullest. Friendship should be maintained but this should not create any room for laziness or low performance in the work place (Murray, Constantinos, and Robert 22). The main advantage of humanistic over the quantitative approach to management is that, humanistic approach creates a strong ground for employers or managers to know their employees and what they can accomplish. Unlike the quantitative approach, the humanistic approach takes into account fulfilling psychological, emotional, and basic needs to promote a healthy